The past two years I’ve been working hard on a 3D action adventure game with puzzles, combat and a dynamic ‘paint to cast spells’ mechanic. For this solo project I’ve learned all aspects of game design and development in Unity 3D. I’m capable of writing efficient, modular C# code that capitalizes on Unity’s component approach to modularity and organization. I’ve also authored a variety of vertex and fragment shaders in Cg/HSL. Below are some visual examples of my accomplishments, please get in touch if you’re interested in discussing my capabilities!
I’ve written a number of Cg/HSL Shaders for Unity, including interacting with particles, recreating vector-style glass glare dynamically in 3D, highlighting interactable items in a unique way, and creating spell effects. Below, I’ve highlighted a number of the most unique examples of Shader code I’ve written in Unity 3D.
- Magic Paint Spell
This shader takes three different buffers and blends two of them based on using the third as an alpha channel guide, creating an animated, fluid effect wherever the player draws on screen. - Campfire Scene
In this scene, I’ve written a shader for the firelies that approximates natural on/off times for their light by using clamped Perlin noise. The firelight and size of the flame are vertex shaders that use Perlin noise for their size. - Procedural Texture
This is a completely procedural dripping effect that gets projected on all four sides of a model with parameters for speed, size and number of drops. - Caustic & Ripple
The bottom of the pond is a caustic effect, on the top a shader waves the surface vertices to simulate water and recieves an array of world-based coorddiantes, then plays a ripple effect on the texture.
This shader takes three different buffers and blends two of them based on using the third as an alpha channel guide, creating an animated, fluid effect wherever the player draws on screen.
I’ve been a professional, full-stack web developer for more than 15 years. In that time I’ve learned how to write modular, efficient code in team based environments. I’ve transferred these skills and lessons to the C# language for use with Unity. I have a deep understanding of the Unity Engine and the tools necessary to create a game. Below are some examples of the behaviors and interactions I’ve developed.
- Enemy AI
In this scene, I’ve coded an assortment of sophisticated enemy AI behaviors that interact with the physics system to hunt and attack the player, including an enemy that shoots at the player by calculating a ballistic trajectory. - 2D Character on Wall
This spell brings a 2D character to life. The new character can walk on any shaped walls, even around corners, placement is determined by the normals of the wall. - Magic Paint Spell
Here the player is able to draw on flat surfaces, a popular character recognition algorithm decodes the spell drawn and implements the spell. In this case, some objects will levitate and are able to be pushed by the player. - Spreadsheet→Events
I’ve written modular code that allows external tools to be used for events and dialogue.
In this scene, I’ve coded an assortment of sophisticated enemy AI behaviors that interact with the physics system to hunt and attack the player, including an enemy that shoots at the player by calculating a ballistic trajectory.
I don’t have professional experience as a 3D artist but I’ve developed a simple, clean art style that would work well on mobile platforms. I haven an in-depth understanding of the art side work-flow and process from beginning to end, which adds value as a collaborator. I’m proficient in 3D modelling and animation, vector and raster image editors and many other applications that are part of the game development tool-chain.